A 3D mass-spring real world simulator with more types of forces(gravity, electricity, spring, collision, ...)
Inspired by Saeed Sarkarati
using this library you can create great simulations of most of physical environments which can be calculated precisely. you can create many types of objects from which “mass” and “spring” are main ones.
more on project homepage on github and README
licensed under MIT License. you can freely use and modify this package, but please let me know if you are doing something interesting.
you can install the package via pip:
pip install massspring
for user-only installation use --user
pip install --user massspring
if you have massspring installed and you are wishing to upgrade, you can upgrade via --upgrade
pip install --upgrade massspring
all combined:
pip install --user --upgrade massspring
you can import the library by using the following code (it is recommended to import as m or ms)
import massspring as m
mass is the only type of object you can create right now.
you can create a mass object by using the mass class. you can learn more about the arguments and their usage in the mass class document
m1 = m.mass(x=0, y=0, z=0, vx=0, vy=0, vz=0, m=10, r=10, q=0, moveable=False, solid=True, bound=True, gravitational=False, resistible=False, electrical=False, conductive=False, color=(0, 255, 0), visible=True)
parameters meanings are explained here.
parameters / attributes:
there are five types of forces (technically force subclass) you can create:
5.air resistance
the gravity class provides a gravity force between two masses according to the “Newton’s law of universal gravitation” which you can see bellow:
more information is available at Newton’s law of universal gravitation wikipedia page.
you can create a gravity force between two masses using the code bellow:
g1 = m.gravity(m1=m1, m2=m2)
(m1 and m2 are the two mass objects between which you want to set gravity force.)
the electricity class provides an electricity force between two masses according to the “Coulomb’s law” (the vector version) which you can see bellow:
more information is available at Coulomb’s law wikipedia page.
you can create an electricity force between two masses using the code bellow:
e1 = m.electricity(m1=m1, m2=m2)
(m1 and m2 are the two mass objects between which you want to set electricity force.)
spring can also be known as an object. However, spring class is a subclass of force class. So technically spring is a force. the force will be calculated using the “Hooke’s law”:
more information is available on Hooke’s law wikipedia page.
you can create a spring object by using the spring class. you can learn more about the arguments and their usage in the spring class document.
s1 = m.spring(k=1500000, l=0, m1=m1, m2=m2, color=(255, 0, 0), visible=True)
uses the conservation of momentum and kinetic energy and the equations presented at the Elastic Collision wikipedia page.
c1 = m.collision(m1=m1, m2=m2)
the air_resistance class provides an air_resistance force for an object according to drag equation shown bellow.
more information is available at Drag equation and Drag wikipedia page.
you can manually create an air resistance force for an object using the code bellow:
ar = m.air_resistance(m1=m1)
after creating all of the objects and forces you want, you should call the mainloop function which is an infinite while loop and ends when the user closes the window or presses the ESCape button.
arguments are:
1.speed: the more this number is the faster your program runs. it will decrease the number of frames in which the screen will be updated(increases the space between them).
2.FPS: sets the fps parameter for the pygame.time.Clock().tick(FPS) function. the less this number is the less your cpu will be under pressure.
3.frame: it’s a function which will be called every frame of the program.
4.*args: the arguments you want to give to the frame function.
m.mainloop(speed=2, FPS=0, frame=None, *args)
in version 1.2.0 there is a new functionality available instead of mainloop. in the new networklib.py
file you can find a bunch of functions that can help in running your massspring-based module through network. some of them are explained bellow.
this function is the main function that you run instead of massspring.mainloop and runs the mainloop just like massspring.mainloop does but with a little difference that now it is available through the network. you can pass it a couple of arguments that control how it works.
the first three are related to massspring: the massspring module that you imported and used yourself, the args to the mainloop under that massspring module which is called inside this function, and also kwargs to the mainloop.
the fourth argument is a function called client_handler it lets you define your own function that will be used to communicate over the net. However you can use the predefined functions in networklib too.
the last two arguments are the host and port which are going to be used for the server socket to bind to. if set to None, the default host name and port are gonna be used which are “localhost:7783”.
this function is the default client handler suggested by networklib.
handle_client takes two arguments itself: the client socket which is going to be used to communicate to the clients connecting to the server, and a request analyser function that takes the requests sent from clients and returns the desired answer.
However, you might have noticed that according to the type hints in the start_server_mainloop taking two arguments is not allowed, so there is also a wrapper function called handle_client_wrapper that returns a function that works just like handle_client but takes just one argument which is the client socket and uses the request analyser passed into the wrapper as the second argument for handle_client.
analyse_request is the default request analyser suggested by networklib.
it takes three arguments (which are not allowed in the handle_client function but there is also a wrapper for that too): the request that came from client socket, the mass_lis and the spring_lis from massspring.
the handle client just accepts functions that take one argument and can not use this analyse_request function so there is a wrapper function called analyse_request_wrapper that takes two arguments, mass_lis and spring_lis, and returns a function that takes just one argument, the request, and uses analyse_request with the mass_lis and spring_lis passed to the wrapper function.
these functions are the default functions used by analyse_request to encode/decode all the mass/spring positions into a bytes object/ list of positions which will be sent to clients and decoded by them.
You can see a simple example of using massspring library to create a pendulum.
It has an acceleration of -g in the Y ordinate.
available at example 1
Here is another example of using this library.
As you can see there is a double pendulum shown in the image. However, it is show in both x-y and z-y coordinates (x-y at left and z-y at right). you might feel they are completely different objects but they are just showing one object from two different points of view.
available at example 2.
3.example 3
4.example 4
5.example 5
python >= 3.6
pygame >= 1.9.2
Note: if you want to hide the pygame support message, place this code before importing massspring.
import os
os.environ["PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT"] = '1'
(feel free to complete these tasks)